[SalesForce] Lead Capture Page: Not Available when posting Web-to-Lead lead

We work with a lead partner who posts leads to our SF org. They receive the following error when creating a test lead:

Gateway: https://www.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.WebToLead?encoding=UTF-8

Fields to send: FirstName=Bob&LastName=Flynn&Company=PMG&Phone=5615889339&email=no%40mail.com&Street=1234+Main+St&City=Delray&State=FL&Zip=33446&time_in_business__c=5&desired_loan_amount__c=10000&AnnualRevenue=100000&Lead_Type__c=Picklistphone&Monthly_Revenue__c=61-90&debug=1&LeadSource=Powers-LiveTransfer


Salesforce.com Lead Capture Interface Reason: We could not create this lead. Lead Capture Page: Not available.
 Record Information: AnnualRevenue = 100000 
City = Delray 
Company = PMG 
FirstName = Bob 
LastName = Flynn 
LeadSource = Powers-LiveTransfer
 Lead_Type__c = Phone 
Monthly_Revenue__c = 61-90 
Phone = 5615889339 
State = FL 
Street = 1234 Main St 
Zip = 33446 
debug = 1 
desired_loan_amount__c = 10000
 Email  = no@mail.com
 encoding = UTF-8 
time_in_business__c = 5 
If you have any questions, please click on Help & Training at the top right of any page within salesforce.com

I also had them try swapping the field ids (e.g. CF00NA000000A9K40 ) rather than API name for custom fields, but no luck. I was able to create this lead with these values using dataLoader so there shouldn't be any issue with validation rules. All the data types of the fields match the input type. AND I checked that the default lead creator has the default record type assigned that I'm expecting. This is meant to post to production, not the sandbox.

The only other thing I can think of us is needing to encode the email so @ doesn't appear as %40?

Any thoughts?

Thank you!

Best Answer

I tried the same thing in my sandbox. It works if I add the orgid to the query string. &oid=<your company org id> is what you need to add.

Before trying this in my org, I had to remove all the custom fields you had in your query string.


I also had to change the case on some of the fields. Please notice the updated URL.

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