[SalesForce] Lightning Action on List View (Multiple Records Selected)

I've found it difficult to find a recent answer to the question: Is it possible yet to perform mass updates to records on a list view using Lightning Components?

Essentially, I want users to be able to select multiple records in a List View, click a button, and have a Lightning Component process each and update a picklist value.

I know this is possible (and well documented) using Visualforce and the Standard Controller / extensions, but curious if there is a way to do so using Lightning Components (or even Lightning Web Components) yet.

Best Answer

I haven't tried this method but from an earlier answer posted might help - link

You can use the "lightning:isUrlAddressable" to access a lightning component using an url and create a "List Button" with behavior as "Display in existing window without sidebar or header" that directs you to the component URL, as mentioned in the documentation:


The URL in the list button should look like below:

{!URLFOR('/lightning/cmp/namespace__componentName', null, [param=value])}