[SalesForce] Lightning Component Test Class

I am looking to deploy a Lightning component written by the amazing Jitendra Zaa. Unfortunately, there was no test class included with the component on his blog post. I have no idea where to begin in writing this one.

public class CircularProgressController {    

     * This class is used to return as JSON Object
    class WrapperJSON{
        public Integer total {get;set;}
        public Integer actual {get;set;}
        public Integer val {get;set;}

    public static String computePercentage(String sObjectName, String recordId, String totalValueFieldName, String actualValueFieldName){
        Integer retVal = 0 ;
        String query = null;
        WrapperJSON retObj = new WrapperJSON();

        if(totalValueFieldName != null && totalValueFieldName.trim() != '' &&  actualValueFieldName != null && actualValueFieldName.trim() != '' ){
            query = 'SELECT '+totalValueFieldName+', '+actualValueFieldName+' FROM '+sObjectName+' WHERE Id =: recordId';
        else if (actualValueFieldName != null && actualValueFieldName.trim() != '' ) {
            query = 'SELECT '+actualValueFieldName+' FROM '+sObjectName+' WHERE Id =: recordId';

        if(query != null){
                List<SOBject> lstObj = Database.query(query);
                if(lstObj.size() > 0){
                    Decimal totalVal = 0;
                    Decimal actualVal = 0; 

                    if(totalValueFieldName != null && totalValueFieldName.trim() != ''){ 
                        totalVal = Decimal.valueOf(String.valueOf(lstObj[0].get(totalValueFieldName)));
                        retObj.total = Integer.valueOf(totalVal) ; 
                    actualVal = Decimal.valueOf(String.valueOf(lstObj[0].get(actualValueFieldName)));                     
                    //Means only 1 API Name was supplied and field type is percentage
                    if(totalVal == 0){
                        retObj.val = Integer.valueOf(actualVal) ; 
                        retObj.actual = Integer.valueOf(actualVal) ;  
                    }else if (actualVal > 0){
                        retObj.val = Integer.valueOf( ( actualVal / totalVal ) * 100 );   
                        retObj.actual = Integer.valueOf(actualVal) ;  
            }catch(Exception e){}

        return JSON.serialize(retObj) ;        

Where should I begin in testing this controller?

**EDIT: I realized thanks to given advice that I was overthinking most of this. I have put together a basic test class as follows. It's hard to test actual values for 99% of the use cases in this class because many are derived from formulas and are time specific values. Therefore I have opted to test against null. This is what I have so far.

public class circularProgressControllerTest {

private static testMethod void runTest()
    Account acc = new Account(Name = 'Account Test', Type = 'Customer');
    insert acc;
    Case a = new Case(Subject = 'Account Tester', Status='New', Origin='Email', AccountId = [select id from Account where id =:acc.Id][0]);
    insert a;

     a = [select id, Status from Case where id =:a.Id][0];
     a.Status = 'Open';
        update a;
     a = [select id, First_Response_Time_Minutes_hidden__c, SLA_HI__c from Case where id =:a.Id][0];

    Set<String> JsonString = CircularProgressController.computePercentage(Case, a.Id, a.SLA_HI__c, a.First_Response_Time_Minutes_hidden__c);

    Map<String, Object> meta = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(JsonString);
    List<Map<String, String>> myMaps = (List<Map<String, String>>) meta.get('results');


   System.assertNotEquals(null, myMaps.Val);




It's important that I run the Case update section, as the only use case of this component requires it to calculate SLA times in a 'prettier' fashion. The issue I am running into now is assigning the sObject of Case – 'Variable does not exist: Case'.

Best Answer

Well, the class you posted only has one method, so it looks like the right way to start is to test that single method :)

Of course, you need to understand what it does before testing.

It looks like the method does the following:

  • query the database for a certain object of a sObjectName type, with a given recordId, retrieving the totalValueFieldName and the actualValueFieldName
  • Does some calucations
  • Returns an instance of a WrapperJSON with the result.

There seems to be different behaviour when the totalVal is zero and when it's non-zero.

I would create 2 methods that:

  • Instantiate and insert an SObject, specifying the total value and the actual value. One method should set totalVal to 0 and another to non-zero.
  • Call the method under test and receive a WrapperJSON result
  • Deserialize the WrapperJSON
  • Verify that the de-serialized result is what you expected

If you're not comfortable with the constructs of creating a test class and test methods, then I would check the Trailhead module recommended by Adrian Larson above.

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