[SalesForce] Lightning datatable column value misaligned

I have a lightning datatable with column as type number

The row value in it is getting right aligned, while everything else is left aligned, I need to make it uniform.
Family Details

Here is what I tried —

    <div class="empFamilyTable">
    <lightning:datatable aura:id="accountTable"
                     onrowaction="{! c.handleRowAction }"/>


 .THIS .empFamilyTable td {
   text-align: left !important;

Best Answer

Number data types cell are aligned with css class slds-grid_align-end. It basically used to grow from the end of the horizontal axis. so if you override below style for slds-grid_align-end class then it will left align all number fields.

.THIS .slds-grid_align-end
    justify-content: left !important; 

Refer SLDS guide for this.

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