[SalesForce] Lightning -> Parent component retreive values from child components

Currently I'm struggling with such problem. I want to decompose complex component into 3 parts. The main reason is to separate long blocks of code. Therefore I need a way for parent component to access child component attribute values.

Is there any way to do it?
Additionally do you know a good place to look for some tips on communication between components?



<aura:component controller="LC01_MultiCriteriaSearch">


<aura:component controller="LC01_MultiCriteriaSearch">
  <aura:attribute name="scope" type="String"/>


<aura:component controller="LC01_MultiCriteriaSearch">
  <aura:attribute name="criteria" type="String"/>


<aura:component controller="LC01_MultiCriteriaSearch">
  <aura:attribute name="nestedCriteria" type="String"/>

So here -> in parent component I'd like to access scope attribute from scope component, cirteria from cirteria and nested criteria from nested criteria comonent.

Best Answer

The effective mechanism by which two components can work is by using Events .Lightning framework works on Event driven paradigm .

You will have a Publisher component that will publish event and you will have a listener that will listen to the events and handle the events .

An excellent blogs from this is below



Observe how easy it is to create events for a component

 <aura:event type="APPLICATION" description="Search Event">
  <aura:attribute name="term" type="String" />

Like OOPS you can also use concept of interface and implement the interface

To use an interface, you must implement it. An interface can't be used directly in markup otherwise.

Set the implements system attribute in the aura:component tag to the name of the interface that you are implementing.

For example: aura:component implements="mynamespace:myinterface"

A component can implement an interface and extend another component. aura:component extends="ns1:cmp1" implements="ns2:intf1"

An interface can extend multiple interfaces using a comma-separated list. aura:interface extends="ns:intf1,ns:int2"