Lightning Input DateFormat – Change Date Format in lightning:input (Summer ’18)

I'm trying to change date format of this component but I dont find any attribute (like ui:inputDate has) to change the date format.

 <lightning:input type="date" name="input8" label="Dates" value="2017-09-07" min="2017-09-05" max="2017-09-22" />

NOTE:Also I have used the new <lightning:inputField fieldName="date__c" /> for dates and actually works really nice but date format is a must I need to change.

This is an example of official lightning input here: LightningInput docs

The first one is Lightning input, the second one is ui:inputDate component.

I'm guessing it is changed by your Time Zone but actually, there is no change at all.
enter image description here

Any ideas about how can I use it with the date format I want (DD/MM/YYYY)? Thanks

Best Answer

Updating answer : it need to be done with ui:input

<ui:inputDate aura:id="EndDateField" value="" displayDatePicker="true" format="MM/dd/yyyy"/>

formatting lightning input is not available. type="datetime-local" is not working seems a bug at salesforce or not yet implemented yet