[SalesForce] LWC – Bypass Field-Level Security using Lightning-Input-Field

Is it possible to create an LWC input form that bypasses field-level security, while still leveraging the powerful UI brought by <lightning-input-field>?

Im creating a generic filter component so admin can create filter criteria for any configured SObject and any of its fields. On submit, preventDefault() is used to stop the usual record edit/creation that comes along with a <lightning-record-edit-form>, since I don't need to save these filters in the backend. The user's input is extracted and used by the controller, and eventually dispatched in an event for parent components to handle.

The <lightning-input-field> is useful because it automatically handles input UI, e.g. if given Contact.Birthdate, it will automatically render a datepicker element.

However, even though the form doesn't perform DML thanks to preventDefault(), a user without CREATE permission still cannot use the form (they gets a toast error: Record is not createable).

Is it possible to instruct the form to ignore field-level security, or some other way around it?






    <lightning-button type="submit" label="Submit"></lightning-button>



import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';

export default class FilterController extends LightningElement {

    @api objectType;
    @api operator;
    @api fieldName;
    @api value;

    handleSubmit(event) {
        let inputValue = event.detail.fields[this.fieldName];
        let inputOperator = event.detail.fields["Operator"];
        this.doSave(inputValue, inputOperator);

    get operatorOptions() {
        return ...;

    doSave(value, operator) {
        // Dispatches an event for parent component

Best Answer

No, it's not possible. Instead, you'd have to use getObjectInfo and render your own UI.