[SalesForce] LWC Jest Test – Why i keep receive 0 in the Test

I'm trying to make unit test with Jest for my lightning web component.

I'm trying to check if the data binded in my html are rendering correctly.

It seems like when i'm running the test, it doesn't give enough time for the data to be binded and keep returning 0 for some reason i ignore.

If someone know why this behaviour is happening would be very helpfull since i'm locked at this step.

Here is my syntheseComponent.js :

import { LightningElement, api, wire, track } from 'lwc';
import getSyntheseData from '@salesforce/apex/SyntheseController.getSyntheseData';

export default class SyntheseComponent extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    @track syntheseData;//NOTE: added own property now

    get countContact() { 
      return this.syntheseData ? this.syntheseData.countContact : 0;

    @wire(getSyntheseData, { accId: '$recordId' })
    wiredSyntheseData({error, data}) {
      if(error) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      } else if(data) {
        this.syntheseData = data;

The test i'm trying in my syntheseComponent.test.js :

import { createElement } from 'lwc';
import { registerTestWireAdapter } from '@salesforce/sfdx-lwc-jest';
import SyntheseComponent from 'c/syntheseComponent';
import getSyntheseData from '@salesforce/apex/SyntheseController.getSyntheseData';

// Import mock data to send through the wire adapter.
const mockGetSyntheseData = require('./data/getSyntheseData.json');

// Register a test wire adapter to control @wire(getRecord)
const getRecordWireAdapterSyntheseData = registerTestWireAdapter(getSyntheseData);

describe('c-synthese-component', () => {
    afterEach(() => {
        // The jsdom instance is shared across test cases in a single file so reset the DOM
        while (document.body.firstChild) {

    it('It renders my component', () => {
        // Create element
        const element = createElement('c-synthese-component', {
            is: SyntheseComponent

        return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
            const content = document.body.querySelector('c-synthese-component');

    it('It renders my data', () => {
        // Create element
        const element = createElement('c-synthese-component', {
            is: SyntheseComponent

        return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
        const dd = element.shadowRoot.querySelector('dd[data-id=child-id]');
        const countField = mockGetSyntheseData.countContact;
        expect(dd.textContent).toBe(`Nb Contacts: ${countField}`);

The getSyntheseData.json i'm using :

  "amountOpportunity": 100,
  "amountOpportunityB2B": 50,
  "amountOpportunityB2BAbo": 30,
  "amountOpportunityB2BPlacesSeches": 20,
  "amountOpportunityEvent": 30,
  "amountOpportunityLagardere": 20,
  "countContact": 2,
  "countOpenactivities": 3,
  "countOpportunity": 5,
  "countOpportunityB2B": 3,
  "countOpportunityB2BAbo": 1,
  "countOpportunityB2BPlacesSeches": 2,
  "countOpportunityEvent": 1,
  "countOpportunityLagardere": 1,
  "lastCreatedOpportunityB2BFormated": "15/01/2020",
  "lastCreatedOpportunityEventFormated": "05/11/2019",
  "lastCreatedOpportunityFormated": "15/01/2020",
  "lastCreatedOpportunityLagardereFormated": "14/01/2020"

And a part of my syntheseComponent.html :

<lightning-tab label="Général">
        <div class="slds-m-around_medium" data-id="parent-id">
          <dl class="slds-list_horizontal slds-wrap">
            <dt class="slds-dl_horizontal__label slds-text-color_weak slds-truncate" data-id="contact-id" title="Contacts">Nb Contacts:</dt>
            <dd class="slds-dl_horizontal__detail slds-text-color_weak slds-truncate numberStyle" data-id="child-id" title="Description for first label">{countContact}</dd>
            <dt class="slds-dl_horizontal__label slds-text-color_weak slds-truncate" title="Opportunités">Nb Opportunités:</dt>
            <dd class="slds-dl_horizontal__detail slds-text-color_weak slds-truncate numberStyle" title="Description for second label">{countOpportunity}</dd>
            <dt class="slds-dl_horizontal__label slds-text-color_weak slds-truncate" title="Montant">Montant Opportunités:</dt>
            <dd class="slds-dl_horizontal__detail slds-text-color_weak slds-truncate numberStyle" title="Description for second label">{amountOpportunity}€</dd>
            <dt class="slds-dl_horizontal__label slds-text-color_weak slds-truncate" title="Open Activities">Open Activities:</dt>
            <dd class="slds-dl_horizontal__detail slds-text-color_weak slds-truncate numberStyle" title="Description for second label">{countOpenactivities}</dd>
            <dt class="slds-dl_horizontal__label slds-text-color_weak slds-truncate" title="Date dernière opp">Dernière Opportunité:</dt>
            <dd class="slds-dl_horizontal__detail slds-text-color_weak slds-truncate numberStyle" title="Description for second label">{lastCreatedOpportunityFormated}</dd>

And the error i have while running my test :


Best Answer

I see several issues with you test code:

  1. Your div[data-id=parent-id] query selector in your test returns the parent div and not the dd element you're looking for. You need to change the selector and or the markup to select the right node.

  2. You're not clearing mocks between tests. Add jest.clearAllMocks(); to the afterEach function.