[SalesForce] LWC lightning-card border not shown with slds-card_boundary

Playground example

I have a Lightning Web Component template with a lightning-card in an App Page.

    <lightning-card title="parent"></lightning-card>

I would like to nest more cards into it to simulate the related list look and feel from standard Lightning experience.

    <lightning-card title="parent">
        <lightning-card title="child></lightning-card>    

This renders the child without borders, filling the entire width of the parent.

If I add the slds-card_boundary class to the child, it draws a misplaced vertical border fragment above and below the card.

However, if I add the slds-card_boundary class to the article element spawned by the child lightning-card component, the border is correctly drawn around the entire card. Adding a slds-m-around_small to article element also forces a separation between parent and child cards.

What layout concepts am I missing with Lightning Web Components to be able to successfully use lightning-card components?

In general, how can lightning-cards be used inside Lightning Web Components to achieve a related list-like appearance?

Best Answer

I've run into the same issue. It appears the styling for <lightning-card> may be broken at this time with LWC. What you can do is simply add a class onto the card and give it a style of display: block.

So in your .html file:

<lightning-card title="parent" class="my-card"></lightning-card>

And in a .css file:

.my-card {
    display: block;
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