[SalesForce] (LWC) – Lightning Datatable: Custom Data Types

Is it possible to create lookup fields and picklists with custom data types now?

Documentation says:

Create your own data types if you want to implement a custom cell, such as a delete row button or an image, or even a custom number display.

Component difference page also says:

lightning-datatable supports custom data types in table cells.

Since a child component is needed for custom data types, can these inner components be a custom picklist component or a lookup component?

import LightningDatatable from 'lightning/datatable';

import deleteRow from './deleteRow.html';
export default class MyDatatable extends LightningDatatable {
   static customTypes = {
       deleteRowButton: {
           template: deleteRow,
           // Provide template data here if needed
           typeAttributes: ['attrA', 'attrB'],
      //more custom types here

Best Answer

Yes, absolutely. You can create your own custom component with any tags/content you want and render it in a table cell for that column.

Step 1 : create custom component
Step 2 : Create a new component which extends datatable
Step 3 : We can use the component (that extended datatable) where-ever we want

Full details here: How to use custom LWC lightning component in lightning-datatable

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