[SalesForce] LWC: lightning-record-form is NOT respecting Page Layout

We have created a custom Page Layout for Case Detail and assigned it to a specific profile. In this layout, we have added multiple sections and rearranged the fields as per client requirement.

If we use the Lightning Aura component "force:recordView", then I could see that the component is rendered properly as per the custom layout defined.

force:recordView recordId="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">

If we use the Lightning web component "lightning-record-form", then it is NOT respecting the custom layout i.e., no sections, all the fields displayed.

    mode="readonly" columns="2" layout-type="Full"

Anyone else facing this issue?

Best Answer

Lightning Record Form doesn't yet support sections. It should pull the field list from the profile assignment but it just dumps the whole layout as one big blob of fields.