[SalesForce] Marketing Cloud Journey Builder no Contacts Evaluating

I'm trying to create a new Shared Entry Event for my Interactions in Marketing Cloud Journey Builder and the Entry Event continues to show "0".

  1. created a new Sendable Data Extension that contains EmailAddress and SubscriberKey attributes. EmailAddress is the primary key.
  2. linked my DE to Contacts Builder, from ContactKey <=> EmailAddress.

  3. In Contacts Configuration, added DE and its EmailAddress attribute to the Email Address channel order.

  4. Journey Builder, created DE as the Entry Source, NO filters (so all new records should enter).

  5. After activating the Journey and running the automation, the running journey shows "0 contacts evaluated for entry.

I'm not sure why the contactS are not being evaluated.

Best Answer

This typically occurs when you don't have a Population. You will need to create a Population in Contact Builder, where the Population is a Sendable Data Extension containing all your Contacts that may enter a Journey.