[SalesForce] may not be used within an iterable component

I am trying to send the selected Id to the controller class from VF page and getting error inside the action function method :

Here I want to pass parameters to the controller

Error: may not be used within an iterable
component. You can use to define parameters for the
function and pass iteration-specific values via the parameters.

 <apex:repeat value="{!Records}" var="item" >
   <apex:pageBlock mode="edit " id="pb">

      <apex:actionFunction action="{!deleteRecord}" name="deleteBtn" reRender="pb" >
        <apex:param name="selectedId" value="" assignTo="{!deleteId}"/>


public String deleteId { get; set; }
public void deleteRecord()
  system.debug('deleteId' + deleteId); 

Best Answer

You need to move your action function outside your iteration block and call it via Javascript by passing the parameter.

So before your iteration put this:

 <apex:actionFunction action="{!deleteRecord}" name="deleteThisRecord" rerender="pb">
    <apex:param name="selectedId" value="" assignTo="{!deleteId}" />

And then inside your apex:repeat replace your current action function with:

<a onclick="if(confirm('You are about to delete this record')) deleteThisRecord('{!item.Id}');">Delete</a>