[SalesForce] Mixed DML Operation Error when Trying to Insert Contact

The basic premise of this code, for those of you who have not seen my 600+ other posts about it, is that it creates a Contact whenever someone creates a User. Certain fields of the contact are then automatically populated using the same fields from the User.

I thought I finally finished this code, when I got the Mixed DML Operation error after some more extensive testing. When I create a new user with a "Chatter Free" license, no Role, and the "Chatter Free User" profile, it goes through perfectly, even brought a tear to my eye. However, when I create a User with any other license, a role, and any other profile, I get the above error (this brought many more tears to my eye).

I'm not sure if I actually need a workaround, or if there is some small, stupid problem with my code. Hopefully someone here can offer some insight. I tried using a @future class, as well as system.runas (Sorry about all the comments, I'm very new to this and that's how I keep my thought process straight while learning).

here is my CLASS

public class UserContact {   
//Create the class and grab the IDs needed
 public static void createUserContact(set<ID> recordIDs){
//Grab all the required fields from user, essential to test class

    list<user> users = [SELECT ID, Firstname, Lastname, email, name, username, UserRoleId, CommunityNickname, TimeZoneSidKey, LocaleSidKey, EmailEncodingKey, ProfileId, LanguageLocaleKey 
                        FROM user
                        WHERE ID in :recordIDs];

        String accountName = 'Company Internal';
        //In this query you want to "LIMIT 1" to avoid more than 
        //1 record returning
        Account Accountx = [SELECT ID
                            FROM account
                             Where Name = :accountName
                            LIMIT 1];

    //Create a list to hold the contacts being created
    List<Contact> contactsToCreate = new List<Contact>();

     //Iterate through each field we want to automatically populate
    for (user x: users){

        //Assign the email related to the user grabbed to a string so 
        //we can reference it later.
        //If this was not done, we would get an error for trying to 
        //mix an SObject with a String.
        String userEmail = x.Email;

        //If statement containing the contact creation.  If 
        //the parameters are not met, the user is still
        //created, but a contact is not.
        Contact userCon = new contact(
        AccountID = AccountX.id,    
        FirstName = x.FirstName,
        LastName = x.LastName,
        Username__C = x.Username,
        email = userEmail);
        insert contactsToCreate;                
            system.debug('Email not internal, Contact not created');

Here is what I tried with the @Future method. The error I got was… "Variable does not exist: recordIDs" I played around with this for quite a while, so this example may not be the closest I got. If I remember correctly, my problem was referencing the lists I got in the first class.

public class UserContact {   
//Create the class and grab the IDs needed
 @future public static void createUserContact(set<ID> recordIDs){
//Grab all the required fields from user, essential to test class

    list<user> users = [SELECT ID, Firstname, Lastname, email, name, username, UserRoleId, CommunityNickname, TimeZoneSidKey, LocaleSidKey, EmailEncodingKey, ProfileId, LanguageLocaleKey 
                        FROM user
                        WHERE ID in :recordIDs];

        String accountName = 'Company Internal'; //This is where you will provide your name (could be any other field)
        //In this query you want to "LIMIT 1" to avoid more than 1 record returning
        Account Accountx = [SELECT ID
                            FROM account
                             Where Name = :accountName
                            LIMIT 1];
public class insertContactClass{
    public void insertContactMethod(){
    //Create a list to hold the contacts being created
    List<Contact> contactsToCreate = new List<Contact>();


     //Iterate through each field we want to automatically populate
    for (user x: users){
        String userEmail = x.Email;
        Contact userCon = new contact(
        AccountID = AccountX.id,    
        FirstName = x.FirstName,
        LastName = x.LastName,
        Username__C = x.Username,
        email = userEmail);
        insert contactsToCreate;                
            system.debug('Email not internal, Contact not created');

Here is the TRIGGER:

trigger NewUserCreatedTrigger on User (after insert) {
    //Creates an array to hold the users caused by trigger firing
    user[] users = trigger.new;
    //Creates a map of records being inserted, then keyset returns the IDs for all records in the map

Best Answer

So this is the code may work

Future method should work for DML error.


trigger NewUserCreatedTrigger on User (after insert) {
    //Creates an array to hold the users caused by trigger firing
    user[] users = trigger.new;
    //Creates a map of records being inserted, then keyset 
    //returns the IDs for all records in the map


public class UserContact {   
    //Create the class and grab the IDs needed
     public static void createUserContact(set<ID> recordIDs){
    //Grab all the required fields from user, essential to test class

        list<user> users = [SELECT ID, Firstname, Lastname, email, name,
                                   username, UserRoleId, CommunityNickname, 
                                   TimeZoneSidKey, LocaleSidKey, EmailEncodingKey, 
                                   ProfileId, LanguageLocaleKey 
                              FROM user
                             WHERE ID in :recordIDs];
        //This is where you will provide your name (could be any other field)
        String accountName = 'Company Internal'; 
        //In this query you want to "LIMIT 1" to avoid more than 1 record returning
        Account Accountx = [SELECT ID FROM account
                             Where Name = :accountName LIMIT 1];
        List<Contact> contactsToCreate = new List<Contact>();

         //Iterate through each field we want to automatically populate
        for (user x: users){
            String userEmail = x.Email;
            Contact userCon = new contact(
            AccountID = AccountX.id,    
            FirstName = x.FirstName,
            LastName = x.LastName,
            Username__C = x.Username,
            email = userEmail);

                system.debug('Email not internal, Contact not created');
        insert contactsToCreate;//make DML outside of for loop 
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