[SalesForce] Need help for custom controller test class

i implemented chatter check in for this blog:

do some customization in it class to related the check in to sf account object. my class looks like:

public with sharing class AccountCheckInController2 {

public String geolocation { get; set; }
public String text { get; set; }
public String error { get; set; }
public Id accid = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getparameters().get('id');

public void checkin() 
    // Check if geolocation found or not
 if(geolocation==null || geolocation.length()<8)
    error = 'Unable to retreive location';

 if(text == null || text.trim().length()==0)
    error = 'Nothing to post';

    // Post to chatter of current user
    FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
    post.ParentId = Userinfo.getUserId();
    post.Body = text;
    post.ParentId = accid;
    post.Type = 'LinkPost';
    post.LinkUrl = 'http://maps.google.com/maps?q=' + geolocation;
    insert post;
    error = 'Posted Successfully !';

    //post to account activity history
    Task myTask = new Task();
    myTask.WhatId = accid;
    myTask.OwnerId= UserInfo.GetUserId();
    myTask.Status = 'Completed';
    myTask.Subject = 'On-Site Check In';
    myTask.Description = text +'  - http://maps.google.com/maps?q='+geolocation;
    myTask.Priority = 'Normal';
    myTask.ActivityDate = date.today();
    insert myTask;
 catch(Exception ex)
    error = ex.getMessage();
    //return null;

and my current test class looks like this:

private class AccountCheckInTestClass {

static testMethod void myUnitTest() 

    // insert test account      
    Account testaccount = new Account(name = 'pt Abc', AccountNumber='123456'); 
    insert testaccount;
    AccountCheckInController2 controller = new AccountCheckInController2();

    PageReference ref = Page.AccountCheckin2; 
    ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', testaccount.Id);
    ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('text','test checkin');



from my test class, i just got covered 25% of my code.
it stuck until:

    // Check if geolocation found or not
 if(geolocation==null || geolocation.length()<8)
    error = 'Unable to retreive location';

after that it not got covered.
and i can't figure it out what wrong with my test class.



Best Answer

Instead of



controller.geolocation = '-6.228693,106.8248041';

and similar for the other properties of the class. I think the way you're doing it now is not making the data available to your controller.

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