[SalesForce] Need help to cover {get; set;} methods on a TestClass

i need some help on a TestClass as i said above, bellow i wil show you what the class looks like and the TestClass:


public with sharing class DirectDebitController {

    public class AccountAmount {
        public Id accountId {get; set;}
        public String accountName {get; set;}
        public string sortCode {get; set;}
        public String accountNumber {get; set;}
        public Decimal amount {get; set;}
        public List<Invoice_Header__c> invoicesToBePaid {get; set;}
        public Integer numberOfAccounts {get; set;}

        public AccountAmount(Id accountId, String accountName, String sortCode, String accountNumber, Decimal amount, List<Invoice_Header__c> invoicesToBePaid, Integer numberOfAccounts) {

            this.accountId = accountId;            
            this.accountName = accountName;
            this.sortCode = sortCode;
            this.accountNumber = accountNumber;
            this.amount = amount;
            this.invoicesToBePaid = invoicesToBePaid;
            this.numberOfAccounts = numberOfAccounts;

    public static List<AccountAmount> fillTable() {
        List<AccountAmount> accounts = new List<AccountAmount>();
        List < Account > accountsAndAmounts = [SELECT Name, Payment_Account_Number__c, Payment_Sort_Code__c, (SELECT Id, AmountOutstanding__c FROM Invoice_Headers__r WHERE AmountOutstanding__c > 0 AND ToPublish__c = true AND Query__c = false AND Overdue_Days__c > 0) FROM Account WHERE Enqix_Payment_Method__c = 'Direct Debit'
            AND Id IN(SELECT Account__c FROM Invoice_Header__c WHERE AmountOutstanding__c > 0 AND ToPublish__c = true AND Query__c = false AND Overdue_Days__c > 0) order by Name];
        Integer numberOfAccounts = Database.countQuery('SELECT COUNT() FROM Account WHERE Enqix_Payment_Method__c = \'Direct Debit\' AND Id IN(SELECT Account__c FROM Invoice_Header__c WHERE AmountOutstanding__c > 0 AND ToPublish__c = true AND Query__c = false AND Overdue_Days__c > 0)');
        for (Account a : accountsAndAmounts) {
            List<Invoice_Header__c> invoices = new List<Invoice_Header__c>();
            Decimal amount = 0;
            for (Invoice_Header__c i : a.Invoice_Headers__r) {
                amount += i.AmountOutstanding__c;
            AccountAmount aa = new AccountAmount(a.Id, a.Name, a.Payment_Sort_Code__c, a.Payment_Account_Number__c, amount, invoices, numberOfAccounts);
        return accounts;



private class DirectDebitControllerTest {

    static void TestfillTable(){        

        Account novaConta = new Account(
            Name = 'TESTE Account',
            Enqix_Payment_Method__c = 'Direct Debit',
            Payment_Account_Number__c = '123',
            Payment_Sort_Code__c = '321',
            Credit_Days__c = 200           
        insert novaConta;
        system.debug('NOVA INVOICE'+ novaConta);

        Invoice_Header__c header = new Invoice_Header__c(
            Name = 'TESTE header',
            Account__c = novaConta.Id,
            Salesforce__c = false,
            CreatedDate__c = Date.newInstance(2016, 11, 11),
            Query__c = False,
            AmountOutstanding__c = 2000 
        insert header;

        Account accountTest = [Select Id, Name, Enqix_Payment_Method__c, Payment_Account_Number__c, Payment_Sort_Code__c, Credit_Days__c from Account where Id =: novaConta.Id];
        Invoice_Header__c headerInserido = [Select Id, Query__c, ToPublish__c, Account__c, AmountOutstanding__c, Salesforce__c, Payment_Due_Date__c, Overdue_Days__c from Invoice_Header__c Where Id = :header.Id][0];
        //system.debug('Header novo '+ header + ' ToPublish está a true? = ' + header.ToPublish__c);
        system.debug('Header novo '+ headerInserido + ' ToPublish está a true? = ' + headerInserido.ToPublish__c + ' Overdue_Days valor? = ' + headerInserido.Overdue_Days__c);

        //DirectDebitController.sendEmailWithAttachment(List<Account> accountTest);

If you need some input from me just ask, but i really could use some help, thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Covering those lines is easy, and you may want to use an assert to do it. You can do it two ways.

Easy (and not best practice)

DirectDebitController.AccountAmount aa = new DirectDebitController.AccountAmount(<provide parameters>);
aa.accountId = <someValue>;
(do the same for all your properties)

Harder (but best practice since it helps you assert the behavior). Add this to the end of your test method.

List<DirectDebitController.AccountAmount> aaRecs = DirectDebitController.fillTable();
for (DirectDebitController.AccountAmount aa : aaRecs) {
  System.assertEquals(<valueToCompare>, aa.accountId);
  <do this for all your properties>

The second way not only covers and exercises your code, but it also verifies that your list is populated with the values you expect it to have.