[SalesForce] Need lookup filter that filters a date against today or date stored in a formula field

I have a lookup field in the quote line item standard object. It is a lookup field to a custom object that has a field that is an expiration date.

I need to be able to filter the lookup so that it does not return any record that has an expiration date that has passed (it's < today's date). Unfortunately neither TODAY nor formula fields are supported in lookup field filters. Is there a workaround for this?

I've looked at http://blog.jeffdouglas.com/2011/08/12/roll-your-own-salesforce-lookup-popup-window/ but it says that workaround is for VF pages, not for standard page layouts.

Best Answer

You could consider a writeable Is_Active__c checkbox field, which you can then turn to false using a Time Based Workflow Rule. That way, you should be able to include the field in your filter, but still have it indicate whether or not the expiration date has passed.

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