[SalesForce] Nested wrapper class to use with Aura:iteration in lightning component

How to use aura:iteration over a list of Wrapper class object in Lightning component 1st Aura iteration works well it prints axisNo and axisName correct.
But nested iterate with nested wrapper class list doesn't work.

Code for Component:

    <aura:iteration items="{!v.AxisWrapperList}" var="acc" indexVar="sNo">
        <!-- Child Lightning Component -->      
        <table  class="slds-table slds-table_bordered slds-table_cell-buffer">
                     <aura:iteration items="{!v.AxisWrapperList.OpliWraList}" var="opli">
                         <table >

Apex Controller Wrapper class code:

public Class AxisWrapper{
    public List<OppLIWrapper> OpliWraList{get;set;}
    public Axis__c axis{get;set;}
    public Integer axisNo{get;set;}

    public AxisWrapper(){
        OpliWraList = new List<OppLIWrapper>();
public Class OppLIWrapper{
    public OpportunityLineItem oppli{get;set;}
    public integer opliNo{get;set;}
    public string pcdate{get;set;}
    public integer axNo{get;set;}
    public Decimal quantity{get;set;}
    public Decimal sellingPrice{get;set;}
    public String strWonLost {get;set;}
    public boolean showHideTable{get;set;}
    public boolean showReqFld{get;set;}

    public OppLIWrapper(){
        oppli = new OpportunityLineItem();
        strWonLost = Null;
        showHideTable = false;
        showReqFld = False;

Best Answer

Iterate over var(acc) as acc is one of account.

<aura:iteration items="{!v.AxisWrapperList}" var="acc" indexVar="sNo"> 
    <aura:iteration items="{!acc.OpliWraList}" var="li"> 
        {!li.opli} {!li.opliNo} 