[SalesForce] No such column EntitlementId on entity Case

We have been using the trigger "Trigger on Email Message " on the link below for more than 2 years without any issues.


Yesterday, I noticed that our sandboxes (even those not in the Spring 14) are returning a query exception.

List<Case> caseList = [Select c.Id, c.ContactId, c.Contact.Email,
                              c.OwnerId, c.Status,
                              c.SlaStartDate, c.SlaExitDate
                           From Case c where c.Id IN :emCaseIds];

"No such column EntitlementId on entity Case….."

I don't understand why all of the sudden we are seeing this error if it has been working for so long.

If look at the documentation for the case object http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api/Content/sforce_api_objects_case.htm#topic-title

There is no such column but it does appear on this diagram as still doesn't explain why it was working before.


Any ideas on what might be happening? A salesforce bug?

Best Answer

If this is occurring in every sandbox, I would suggest checking your profiles, did someone push an update that removed visibility to the field. If it is just the new sandbox, I would check to make sure that Entitlements are enabled. That field is not visible on the case until Entitlement Management is enabled in the org.