[SalesForce] NoErrorObjectAvailable Script error. when selecting value from picklist in Salesforce LWC

I am trying to show/hide columns based on selected picklist value from Picklist 3 filter.


Assuming that value is Type 1, table should be like this:

enter image description here

Assuming that value is Type 2, table should be like this:

enter image description here

If Picklist 3 value is changed to All, table should be like this:

enter image description here

There are no error messages upon saving and deploying codes to the org, but each time I select a Picklist 3 value, I encounter this message:

enter image description here

I also inspected browser's developer console for some javascript errors, and I got

OTS parsing error: invalid version tag

This doesn't make sense to me since I haven't encountered any errors when compiling it via Visual Studio Code.

Meanwhile, here are the current codes I have:


            class="slds-m-bottom_small slds-m-left_small"
            label="Picklist 2"
            onchange={findAccountResult} >
            class="slds-m-bottom_small slds-m-left_small"
            label="Picklist 3"
    <table class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered slds-table_col-bordered">
            <tr class="slds-line-height_reset">
                <th scope="col">
                    <div class="slds-truncate" title="accountPicklist1">Picklist 1</div>
                <th scope="col">
                    <div class="slds-truncate" title="accountName">Account Name</div>
                <th scope="col">
                    <div class="slds-truncate" title="accountPicklist2">Picklist 2</div>
                <th class="type1" scope="col">
                    <div class="slds-truncate" title="type1Header">Type 1</div>
                <th class="type2" scope="col">
                    <div class="slds-truncate" title="type2Header">Type 2</div>
            <template if:true={mapData}>
                <template for:each={mapData} for:item="keyValue">
                    <tr key={keyValue.key} class="slds-hint-parent">
                        <th scope="col">
                        <th scope="col">
                            <template for:each={keyValue.value} for:item="mapValue">
                                <div key={mapValue.Name}>
                        <th scope="col">
                            <template for:each={keyValue.value} for:item="mapValue2">
                                <div key={mapValue2.Picklist2}>
                        <th class="type1" scope="col">
                            <template for:each={keyValue.value} for:item="mapValue3">
                                <div key={mapValue3.CustomTextField}>
                        <th class="type2" scope="col">
                            <template for:each={keyValue.value} for:item="mapValue3">
                                <div key={mapValue3.CustomTextField}>
        <template if:true= {noRecordsFound}>
            --No Account Records Found--


import { LightningElement, track, wire } from 'lwc';

import getDataFromApex from '@salesforce/apex/AccountController.getAccountData';

export default class accountLWC extends LightningElement {

    @track mapData = [];

    @track noRecordsFound = true;

    @track picklist2Value = '--None--';

    @track picklist3Value = '--None--';

    @track picklist2Options = [
        {value: 'A', label: 'A'},
        {value: 'B', label: 'B'},
        {value: 'C', label: 'C'}

    @track picklist3Options = [
        {value: 'All', label: 'All'},
        {value: 'Type 1', label: 'Type 1'},
        {value: 'Type 2', label: 'Type 2'}

    findAccountResult(event) {
        const accPicklist2 = event.target.value;

        if(accPicklist2) {
            getDataFromApex ( {accPicklist2}) 
            .then(result => {
                if(result) {
                    for(var key in result) {
                        let tempMapData = [];
                        this.noRecordsFound = false;
                    this.mapData = tempMapData;      
        else {
            this.mapData = undefined;
            this.noRecordsFound = true;

    displayCol(event) {
        const picklist3 = event.detail.value;    

        if(picklist3 === 'Type 1') {
            this.template.querySelectorAll(".type1").style.display = "block";
            this.template.querySelectorAll(".type2").style.display = "none";
        else if(picklist3 === 'Type 2') {
            this.template.querySelectorAll(".type1").style.display = "none";
            this.template.querySelectorAll(".type2").style.display = "block";
        else {
            this.template.querySelectorAll(".type1").style.display = "block";
            this.template.querySelectorAll(".type2").style.display = "block";



public class AccountController{


    public static Map<String, List<AccountWrapper>> getAccountData(String accPicklist2) 
     Map<String, List<AccountWrapper>> mapPicklist1 = new Map<String, List<AccountWrapper>>();
     Map<String, Integer> accPicklist1CountMap = new Map<String, Integer>();

     List<Account> accountList = [SELECT Name, Picklist1__c, Picklist2__c, Custom_Text_Field__c
            FROM Account 
            WHERE Picklist1__c != null AND Picklist2__c =: accPicklist2 
            ORDER BY Picklist1__c];       

     for(Account accObj:accountList)
      List<AccountWrapper> accWrapperList = new List<AccountWrapper>();
       accWrapperList = mapPicklist1.get(accObj.Picklist1__c);
       accWrapperList.add(new AccountWrapper(accObj));
       mapPicklist1.put(accObj.Picklist1__c, accWrapperList);
       accPicklist1CountMap.put(accObj.Picklist1__c, accWrapperList.size());
       accWrapperList.add(new AccountWrapper(accObj));
       mapPicklist1.put(accObj.Picklist1__c, accWrapperList);
       accPicklist1CountMap.put(accObj.Picklist1__c, accWrapperList.size());
     return mapPicklist1;

    public Class AccountWrapper {
     public AccountWrapper(Account acc)
      this.Name = acc.Name;
      this.Picklist1 = acc.Picklist1__c;
      this.Picklist2 = acc.Picklist2__c;
      this.CustomTextField = acc.Custom_Text_Field__c;
     public String Name {get;set;}
     public String Picklist1 {get;set;}
     public String Picklist2 {get;set;}
     public String CustomTextField {get;set;}


This is the first time I encountered such issue, even refreshing the page does not do anything about it. I hope anyone could help me on this.

Best Answer

The common cause of this error is the null pointer exception. You need to use event.detail.value to get the value from the picklist. Also, you don't need to do this picklist3.value.

Also, you don't need to set visibility by manipulating the DOM. instead of that create reactive properties to show/hide the elements.

Setting display style will hide the element but it will leave empty space.

Follow the below steps.

Create reactive properties for the columns.

showType1 = true;
showType2 = true;

Refer them in HTML

<th class="type1" if:true={showType1} scope="col">
    <div class="slds-truncate" title="type1Header">Type 1</div>
<th class="type2" if:true={showType2} scope="col">
    <div class="slds-truncate" title="type2Header">Type 2</div>

<th if:true={showType1} class="type1" scope="col">
    <template for:each={keyValue.value} for:item="mapValue3">
        <div key={mapValue3.CustomTextField}>
<th if:true={showType2} class="type2" scope="col">
    <template for:each={keyValue.value} for:item="mapValue3">
        <div key={mapValue3.CustomTextField}>

Change the values based on picklist

displayCol(event) {
    const picklist3 = event.detail.value;
    if (picklist3 === 'Type 1') {
        this.showType1 = true;
        this.showType2 = false;
    } else if (picklist3 === 'Type 2') {
        this.showType1 = false;
        this.showType2 = true;
    } else {
        this.showType1 = true;
        this.showType2 = true;

Here is the playgorund