[SalesForce] Not able to access event.currentTarget when locker service is enabled

There's a question already asked regarding this here Issue with event.currentTarget

According to Salesforce Known Issues , they've updated that it has already been fixed in almost all the servers (except eight as of now). But, for me it's still not working (it has already been shown as fixed in the instance I'm working on).

My code is as follows:-


<div class="slds-form-element__icon" onclick ="{!c.displayPopup}">


displayPopup : function(component) {
        component.set("v.isDisplayPopup", true);


    rerender: function(component, helper) {
        helper.renderPopup(component, helper);


renderPopup : function(component, helper) {
        if(component.isValid() && component.get("v.isDisplayPopup")) {          
            var selectedItem = event.currentTarget;
            var svgElement = selectedItem.querySelector("svg");
            var scrollableWrapElement = document.getElementsByClassName('scrollableWrap')[0];                                   
            var position = this.getPosition(svgElement);
            var wrapperPosition = this.getPosition(scrollableWrapElement);
            var notesPanelComponent = component.find('notesPanel').getElement();
            var noteObject = notesPanelComponent.querySelectorAll("div")[selectedItem.dataset.rownumber];            
            for(var i=0; i<document.querySelectorAll(".notes").length-1; i = i + 1){


            noteObject.style.top = position.top - wrapperPosition.top + 35+"px";
            noteObject.style.left = position.left - wrapperPosition.left -127+"px";
            component.set("v.isDisplayNotes", false);

When I click on that particular, it throws an error saying [TypeError: Cannot read property 'currentTarget' of undefined]

The event is undefined!

Can anyone tell me why am I not able to access the same here?

Is there any way so that I would be able to access the clicked DOM element from helper?

PS:- I'm trying to access the event.currentTarget from the helper via renderer (and not directly from controller) is because DOM manipulation is involved(which cannot be done outside the rendering lifecycle as per the Lightning Developer Guide), once I get the DOM element.

Best Answer

The code you list above would not work with LS deactivated - not an LS issue - renderer methods never receive events of any kind (component, helper) is the supported signature. This is not related to the other SE thread you referenced.

Why are you using a custom renderer at all for this instead of simply handling the event directly in the controller action method?