[SalesForce] OAUTH_APP_BLOCKED | this app is blocked by admin

I am trying to integrate http://salesloft.com/ with my salesforce production instance via OAUTH. When I try to login to production using my valid credentials (I an system admin), salesloft see OAUTH_APP_BLOCKED. However, "Salesloft" does not appear in the list of app in Manage Connected Apps, so I am unable to unblock it.

When I try to connect to our full sandbox (refreshed on Aug 3 2020), it succeeds.

I spun up a brand new dev sandbox and tried to connect to it. I get the OAUTH_APP_BLOCKED failure. What has changed since Aug 3? I downloaded the audit log and searched in it for "connected" and "oauth" but did not find anything relevant.

I cannot for the life of me figure out what is blocking this, nor can Salesloft engineers. Salesforce.com Support says they are not allowed to help with third party software.

Any ideas about how to investigate or resolve this?

Best Answer

Just had this same problem with Chili Piper. After hours of trying to figure it out, we finally realized that any BLOCKED apps within OAuth Connected App Usage shows up at the VERY BOTTOM of the list of apps... so it's not in the alphabetical order you would expect. We randomly stumbled upon it; hopefully that's the same case for you!

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