[SalesForce] Old and New Values of Parent fields with Re-parenting on Child Trigger

I know we have to query the parent fields to access them on the child object trigger. How can I get the old and new values of the parent fields when its parent record has been changed. I have two objects.

  • Case (Child of Look-up to WebID Object)
  • WebID

I need to access old and new value of the Status__c custom field on WebID__c whenever Case gets its parent WebID Changed. Any inputs on the single line logic to retrieve the old and new values of parent field WebID__r.Status__c?

Thanks in Advance!

Best Answer

I would recommend creating a map of WebIDs to it's Status by querying the WebID object after creating a set from the old and new ids using the WebID__c field from the old/new child records. Then you can use that map to access the status of the WebID record based on the ID of the old record vs the new record.

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