[SalesForce] Opportunity Amount – Formula field not displaying currency

We have a custom object and in that custom object, we have a formula field, which will display the opportunity amount… (Formula field return type is Currency)

In the opportunity record the Amount is displayed in the below format:

Oppty currency Amount (User currency)
e.g: CAD xxx (USD xxxx)

Whereas in this formula field in the custom object, it just displays the user currency..in the below format

User Currency Amount
e.g:USD xxxxx

This is the case when opportunity owner view this record. If someone else views this custom object record, then displays the formula field in the below format:

OpptyOwnerCurrency Amount (Logged in user currency)

It is NOT considering the opportunity currency.

I want to show this formula field in the same format as the opportunity amount field:

CAD xxx (USD xxxx)

please suggest any workarounds for this issue..

Advanced Currency Management is not enabled.

Best Answer

Once multi-currency is enabled in your org, most objects in the database now have a CurrencyIsoCode field on them. Just because objects like the Opportunity object and your custom object are related by a lookup or master-detail, does not mean that the CurrencyIsoCode codes will be the same. These are separate records in the database, with separate CurrencyIsoCode fields. It sounds like your custom object record has a CurrencyIsoCode in USD. If you change it to CAD, then it will render the currency field in the same format as your Opportunity.

You might consider a Visualforce page for the new and edit screen of your custom object if you need to keep the currency sync'ed to your Opportunity.

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