[SalesForce] Passing parameters while testing REST web service

I'm trying to test a REST service I created, but my second parameter is coming back null in my URI.

Here is my class:

global with sharing class RESTLeadConvertController {

global static Lead getConvertedLead() {
    Lead result;
    try {
        String leadId = RestContext.request.params.get('leadId'); 
        Boolean isQueueOwner = Boolean.valueOf(RestContext.request.params.get('isQueueOwner'));     
        Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert(); 
        if(isQueueOwner) {
            User appUser = [select Id from User where name = 'App' limit 1];
        LeadStatus convertstatus = [select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted = true limit 1];
        Database.LeadConvert[] lcArray = new Database.LeadConvert[] {lc}; 
        Database.LeadConvertResult[] results = Database.convertLead(lcArray);   
        result = [SELECT Id, email, status, isConverted, convertedAccountId, convertedContactId FROM Lead WHERE Id = :leadId];
    catch(System.StringException e){
        RestContext.response.statusCode = 400;
        RestContext.response.responseBody = Blob.valueOf('Param: leadId is not a valid Id');
    catch(System.QueryException e){
        RestContext.response.statusCode = 404;
        RestContext.response.responseBody = Blob.valueOf('Requested Lead not found');
    catch(Exception e){ //something else happened
        RestContext.response.statusCode = 500;
        RestContext.response.responseBody = Blob.valueOf(e.getMessage());
    return result;

Here is my test class:

private class RESTLeadConvertControllerTest {

static Lead testLead;

static void initialize() {
    testLead = TestFactory.createTestLead('John', 'Doe', 'Acme', 'Open', true);
    system.assertNotEquals(null, testLead.Id);

static testMethod void testRESTLeadConvert() {

    RestRequest req = new RestRequest(); 
    RestResponse res = new RestResponse();
    req.requestURI = '/services/apexrest/ConvertLeadFromApp?leadId=' + testLead.Id + '&isQueueOwner=' + false + '';  
    req.httpMethod = 'GET';
    RestContext.request = req;
    RestContext.response = res;

    Lead result = RESTLeadConvertController.getConvertedLead();


My test fails on this line as a null argument: Boolean isQueueOwner = Boolean.valueOf(RestContext.request.params.get('isQueueOwner'));

Am I not setting the argument in the unit test correctly? I ran my service in workbench and it is working.

Best Answer

Since the test isn't actually making a REST request to that URI (it's just setting a global context var), we can't actually unit test our urlMapping parameter. Instead, we have to add the parameters to the RestRequest object.

static testMethod void testRESTLeadConvert() {

    RestRequest req = new RestRequest(); 
    RestResponse res = new RestResponse();
    req.requestURI = '/services/apexrest/ConvertLeadFromApp/';  
    req.addParameter('leadId', testLead.Id);
    req.addParameter('isQueueOwner', 'false');
    req.httpMethod = 'GET';
    RestContext.request = req;
    RestContext.response = res;

    Lead result = RESTLeadConvertController.getConvertedLead();

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