[SalesForce] Perform actions on a table in a Lightning Component

I can't find a solution to resolve this problem. I have this table:

<aura:iteration items="{!v.fixedDocs}" var="docs" indexVar="index">
                    <td><aura:text aura:id="nomeDoc" value="{!docs.Label}"/></td>
                    <td><aura:text aura:id="tipo" value="{!docs.Document_Type__c}"/></td>
                    <td><aura:text aura:id="stato" value="{!docs.State__c}"/></td>
                    <td><aura:text aura:id="firmatari" value="{!docs.Firmatari__c}"/></td>
                    <td><lightning:input aura:id="file" type="file" label=" " name="file" multiple="false" accept=".pdf, .doc, .docx" onchange="{!c.save}"/></td>
                        <lightning:button class="deleteButtons" label="" iconName="utility:delete" iconPosition="left" onclick="{!c.deleteRow}"/>
                        <lightning:button class="saveButtons" variant="brand" label="" iconName="utility:download" iconPosition="left"/>

In the last column I have two buttons, one to delete the row and the other to save the information.
How can figure out which row is interested in the action?
I tried to assign the index variable to the lable and to aura:id of the button so later I could know which row is interested but these attribute don't support expressions and so I can assign to them only a static string.
How can I resolve that?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

you may use tabindex to get index from Lighting:button

<lightning:button tabindex="{!index}" class="deleteButtons" label="del" iconName="utility:delete" iconPosition="left" onclick="{!c.deleteRow}"/>

In controller

  deleteRow:function (component, event, helper) {