[SalesForce] Personalization error: %%program_cd%%

I'm just trying to practice a simple Lookup function. I event looked at AMPscript lookup Examples. However I do not understand what is wrong with my AMPscript-code.

I'm getting this error below from SFMC:

Unable to generate preview

Personalization error: %%program_cd%%
To fix the problem, please try the following:
– Make sure that there is not a space or typo within the personalization string in your email. For example, check and correct any spaces between percent signs (%%)
– Correct the HTML Body of your email.

my code:

    var @offer, @lookupvalue
    set @lookupvalue = AttributeValue("BannerURL")
    set @offer = Lookup("DE", "Offer", "BannerURL", @lookupvalue)


Best Answer

It seems like the error isn't in the AMPscript-code you provided, but rather in the rest of the email, which contains the invalid personalization string %%program_cd%%. This could be in any content block, template or even the header/footer configured in your sender profile.

Try a plain email without any template and if this doesn't work check your header/footer configuration for further debugging.

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