[SalesForce] possible to pass selected picklist value to controller via apex:param

Is there any way to pass the current value of a picklist to a controller via apex:param? I have my apex:param inside of a action:support onChange so when the user selects a picklist option it passes that value to the controller method. I'm able to pass the ID with {!$Component.FIELDID} but is there any way to pass the value for example {!$Component.FIELDID.value}? I'm unable to find much documentation on $Component.

I guess the alternative would be to use an actionFunction? I'm going to try that next but wanted to know if this way was possible.


EDIT : snippet (the inputField is a picklist)

<apex:inputField value="{!thisContact.Degree_Level__c}" id="degreeLevel">
                  <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" 
                        <apex:param name="degreeSelected" assignTo="{!degreeSelected}" value="{!$Component.degreeLevel}"/>

Best Answer

Unless I'm missing the point of what you're trying to do, the currently selected value is accessible in the field that is bound to your inputField's value attribute.

   <apex:inputField value="{!thisContact.Degree_Level__c}" id="degreeLevel">
      <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" 

EDIT: Removed immediate attribute. Default is false.

So it should be accessible to the controller through thisContact.Degree_Level__c.

So somewhere in your controller you have a property called thisContaact and a method called updateDegreeSelected that look something like this:

public Contact thisContact{get;set;} //here is your contact property
public void updateDegreeSelected(){
//call the thisContact field in here...
