[SalesForce] Prepopulate fields on visualforce page from a button on another VF page

I have two Visualforce Pages, one for Account and another for Opportunity.
On the Account page there is a button named New Opportunity. I want to pre-populate some data from Account fields to the Opportunity page.

What I have done so far is I have created a button with the following url:


When I click on this button it redirects to the Opportunity page (correct), but does not populate the fields (incorrect).

I have checked the redirecting URL which is


What I found it is not taking account id after redirecting.

Best Answer

Based on the resulting url, your {!account.Id} value is null. This indicates the record has not yet been inserted. So the core problem has nothing to do with parameters, but rather order of operations. You should use a commandButton that calls an action something like:

public static final String ID_PARAM = 'Id';
public static final String ACCOUNT_PARAM = 'accid';
public static final String RETURL_PARAM = 'retURL';

public PageReference save()
        insert myAccount;
    catch (DmlException dmx)
        return null;

    PageReference retUrl = Page.AccountView;
    retUrl.getParameters().put(ID_PARAM, myAccount.Id);

    PageReference redirect = Page.OpportunityNew;
    redirect.getParameters().put(ACCOUNT_PARAM, myAccount.Id);
    redirect.getParameters().put(RETURL_PARAM, retUrl.getUrl());
    return redirect;

Note that because your parameter names are all public, you can now reference them from your other controller/extension to make sure you get an exact match. Your markup would look something like:

<apex:pageMessages id="msgs" />
    <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}" rerender="msgs" />