[SalesForce] Process Builder Error: Owner:Queue.DeveloperName is causing an Error

I keep on getting this error for our process builder whenever I add the variable [Case].Owner:Queue.DeveloperName into the Criteria.

Basically, the PB will check if the Owner of the Case does not belong to a Queue, will not proceed to perform any actions. If it does belong to a Queue, then it will do some actions.

However, when I try to create manually a Case, then I get this error:

Error element myDecision (FlowDecision).
The flow failed to access the value for myVariable_current.Owner:Queue.DeveloperName because it hasn't been set or assigned.

The criteria of the PB is just this:


Is null



Any help is much appreciated. I've been stuck on this issue since yesterday.

Best Answer

Instead of checking the same in the criteria. Select Formula Evaluated to true and use below formula

LEFT([Case].OwnerId,3) = '00G'

using the above formula it will check if the Case Owner is Queue If yes then it will perform the associated action.

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