[SalesForce] Process Builder giving error The flow failed to access the value for [example] because it hasn’t been set or assigned

I have a process builder which is giving error: unable to find field dataType for complex reference.

In server log :The flow failed to access the value for myVariable_current.Product2.Vendor_Agreement_Rule__c because it hasn't been set or assigned
I have maintained a condition whereby checking the value from where it is getting the value from a foreign field. checking it as

1) isNull boolean false 2) equals boolean true

that field is referencing to some other parent field where values are there
Still the error is coming in the process builder. Kindly let me know how to remove the same.

Best Answer

Have you queried it from the sObject variable you passed in? Initially, only the sObject's values are available... So, if you want to access it's parent sObject's values, you'll need to query them first. This is the same behavior you'd experience in a trigger.

To resolve this, I recommend using a Quick Lookup item in your flow.