[SalesForce] Programmatically Stopping Approval Process Email

I have a need to generate an approval request and then immediately approve it via Apex. This is being done purely for record keeping and to properly show that a user approved a record. For instance, this is the type of code I am looking to run (taken from Salesforce):

    // Insert an account
    Account a = new Account(Name='Test',annualRevenue=100.0);

    insert a;

    // Create an approval request for the account
    Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req1 = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
    req1.setComments('Submitting request for approval.');

    // Submit the approval request for the account
    Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req1);

    // Approve the submitted request
    // First, get the ID of the newly created item
    List<Id> newWorkItemIds = result.getNewWorkitemIds();

    // Instantiate the new ProcessWorkitemRequest object and populate it
    Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest req2 = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
    req2.setComments('Approving request.');
    req2.setNextApproverIds(new Id[] {UserInfo.getUserId()});

    // Use the ID from the newly created item to specify the item to be worked

    // Submit the request for approval
    Approval.ProcessResult result2 =  Approval.process(req2);

Now, as with all approval processes, this will generate an email to the user. However, the user has already approved the request so that email is irrelevant. Is there a way to completely stop that email? I know we can override what is sent, but I just don't want to send anything. Does anyone have any ideas?

EDIT: For clarification, the use case for this would be something like:

  • User A has the Standard Sales Rep profile.
  • User B has the Sales Manager profile and is the manager of User A.
  • When User A creates a record of Custom_Object__c, that object is automatically submitted for approval to User B.
  • When User B Submits a record of Custom_Object__c, the system sees they have the proper profile and automatically submits and approves the record.

The issue is when User B does that, they get an email indicating that there is an item waiting for their approval even though that approval already occurred.

Best Answer

Is there a reason you are using a User as approver? Approver can also be a queue. What about creating a queue, no users, and assigning that as approver?

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