[SalesForce] Pulling data from data views for one business unit only using query

SO, I want to pull data from data views for our business unit only in marketing cloud.

Currently, it seems like when I run a query something like:

SELECT * FROM ent._Subscribers WITH (NOLOCK)

It pulls data from ALL business units.

My next approach was to join to one of the tracking data views as it ties to the business unit but I ran a few queries and it seems like the MID# is OYBAccountID (not AccountID). Can anyone please confirm?

And by looking at the data, all records in trackable data views seem to have our MID# as OYBAccountID value (I don’t see any other OYBAccountID#). Hence, I unable to differentiate our BU data with other BUs.

Currently, I have created this query but getting no results:

select top 10 snt.Domain, count(*) AS DomainCount
from ent._Subscribers snt
JOIN ENT._Sent tst ON snt.SubscriberID = tst.SubscriberID
group by snt.Domain
order by DomainCount desc

Best Answer

If what you're trying to do is select results from your child BU you're running the query in, don't use the "ENT" schema. The way to refer to the "_Sent" data view specific to the Business Unit you're running the query in is "_Sent" and not "ENT._Sent". You' don't need AccountID or OYBAccountID in your WHERE clause.

From your description of you challenge, the primary problem you have is you have a "Customers" data extension that contains what should be the Business Unit's subscribers. However, from time to time you manually upload ad-hoc "Lists" and send to these lists, so you can no longer rely on your Customers data extension as the single source of truth for who are the subscribers in your Business Unit. When you send to one of these ad-hoc lists, records are added to All Subscribers, but All Subscribers is not specific to your Business Unit. Rather, All Subscribers contains subscribers from all Business Units in the Enterprise 2.0 account.

One approach would be to treat all Subscribers you have sent to in _Sent as subscribers of your Business Unit and take these together with your Customers Data Extension records as your total population. To do this, you'll need an automation with two queries - one to amass subscribers in _Sent together with those in Customers and the second to summmarise this data. One query could do this, but these are pretty slow running queries across potentially very large data sets.

Query 1

Overwrites a table called "DistinctSubscribers" that has two fields - Email (Text 254).

    s.EmailAddress AS Email
    ENT._Subscribers sub
        ON  snt.SubscriberID = sub.SubscriberID
    Customers WITH (NOLOCK)
    Email LIKE ('%@%.%')

This gives you a table containing one record for each email address in either Customers or _Sent.

Query 2

Overwrites a table called "DomainCounts" that has two fields - Domain (Text 254) and DomainCount (Number).

    RIGHT(Email, LEN(Email) - CHARINDEX('@', email)) AS Domain,
    COUNT(1) AS DomainCount
    RIGHT(Email, LEN(Email) - CHARINDEX('@', email))
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