[SalesForce] Putting parameters into PageReference

On a custom VF page (call it page1), I am using apex:commandLink to link to another custom VF page (call it page2) and perform a DML statement. I need to put a series of parameters into the URL as the page I am linking to (page2) uses the parameters to load the appropriate data. Here is my current code:

<apex:commandLink styleClass="button" action="{!saveNextResponse}" value="Save and Continue">

public String nextQuestionId {get;set;}
public String filter {get; set;}
public String questionBankId {get; set;}

nextQuestionId = '123';
filter = 'all';
questionBankId = '456';

public PageReference saveNextResponse(){
    //doing a DML as well
    pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/Question');

    return pageRef;

As I currently have it setup, the DML is working and page2 is loading as expected; however the actual URL itself does not contain the parameters. Instead of being "/Question?question=123&filter=all&questionBank=456", it's just "/Question". What can I do to ensure the parameters are in the URL itself?

Best Answer

You have to use setRedirect(true); in your controller as below. Hope this helps.

public PageReference saveNextResponse(){
    //doing a DML as well
    pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/Question');
    return pageRef;