[SalesForce] Query for Opens from for an email in a Journey

Is it possible to query for open data from an email in a Journey. I've been having trouble extracting that into a data extension. I'm using this query

SELECT c.JobID,c.SubscriberKey
FROM _Open c
    SELECT JobID,EmailName 
    FROM _Job 
) j ON j.JobID = c.JobID
WHERE j.EmailName = 'Journey Email 1'

My results data extension has EmailName, JobID, and SubscriberKey. There are no errors that result from this however I'm not getting any data either.

Best Answer

I assume you are trying to execute the query from a child Business Unit. If so, append an Ent. prefix to your Data Views:

SELECT c.JobID, c.SubscriberKey
FROM Ent._Open c
    SELECT JobID, EmailName 
    FROM Ent._Job 
) j ON j.JobID = c.JobID
WHERE j.EmailName = 'Journey Email 1'
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