[SalesForce] Query to get records from 3 object relationship


  • I have three objects: X, Y, and Z.
  • X (child) has master-detail relationship to Y (parent).
  • Z (child) has a lookup relationship to Y (parent).


How do I retrieve records from object X which are also related to object Z with Y? That is, results from X having common entry in Y.

Best Answer

For simplicity I will rename your objects to:

  • X => Detail
  • Y => Parent
  • Z => Child

The most reasonable interpretation of your OP I can infer is:

If I have a collection of Child records, how can I find Detail records for the same Parent records?

If this interpretation is correct, you can do the following:

public static List<Detail__c> findSiblings(List<Child__c> children)
    Set<Id> parentIds = new Set<Id>();
    for (Child__c child : children) parentIds.add(child.Parent__c);
    return [SELECT Id FROM Detail__c WHERE Parent__c IN :parentIds];

Another interpretation I could see is:

How can I find all Detail records whose Parent has any Child records?

If this interpretation is correct, I would add a field on Parent along the lines of Has_Child_Records__c, which you can manage from Process Builder. Just set it up on Child to update the Parent checkbox with the criteria OR(ISNEW(), ISCHANGED(Parent__c)). Then you can just do:

public static List<Detail__c> findDetails()
    return [SELECT Id FROM Detail__c WHERE Parent__r.Has_Child_Records__c = true];

If neither of these interpretations is correct, please add more detail to your question to clarify.

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