[SalesForce] Queued triggered sends in Journey Builder

I have an active Journey, which was working as expected. Now the emails are not being sent.

The email has ampscript in it, and when I preview this email in the content builder with the target data extension, which is originated from Salesforce data, the email runs with no error.

In the triggered sends from the Journey it shows that the emails have been queued.

My question is:

If an email experience error at the sending and gets stuck in the queue, will the next sends also be queued, even if they were supposed to be send, once there is no error in the ampscript?

Best Answer

By default, all the Triggered Sends (with no errors) get queued behind when one of the emails fail (with error) during the send execution.

From my experience, this has been resolved by submitting a Salesforce request to remove the queuing of the TSD sends when an error has occurred during the send execution.

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