[SalesForce] Read inputfield checkbox value from javascript

I am trying to render a component as read-only or editable based on a check-box value. The code I have used is given below.

<apex:pageBlockSection title="Relation Iformation" columns="2" id="information">
            <apex:inputField value="{!kpiRelation.KPI_Library__c}">       
                <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!UpdatePageWithKPI}" oncomplete="RenderPanels()" reRender="pageBlock" />
            <apex:inputField label="Edit KPI Treshold?" value="{!kpiRelation.Edit_KPI__c}" rendered="{!kpiRelation.KPI_Library__c != ''}" id="editKpi" onchange="RenderConditions(this)"/>

In the above code the Edit KPI threshold is a check box value. I have the below JavaScript to capture the check box value.

function RenderConditions(data) {       
        var checkBox = {!kpiRelation.Edit_KPI__c};             
        if(data != '')
            alert('The edit kpi -- '+data.value);
        if (data == 1){
            document.getElementById('{!$Component.pageBlock.condtNum}').style.display ='block';
            document.getElementById('{!$Component.pageBlock.condtNum}').style.display ='none';            

But when I change the value, the value I am selecting is not getting updated in the script. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here?

Best Answer

Instead of using:

alert('The edit kpi -- '+data.value);

you would check like it:

alert('The edit kpi -- '+data.checked); // return true or false