[SalesForce] record:editform for input lookup field pop up search option is not working

I have created a a lightning component record edit form in VF, which has a input lookup field for custom object named Heading.
In the lightning component when I search for a Heading name, it will display the heading names.

The issue is consider I am searching for a name Accountants, and in the Heading object we have 10 records with name Accountants (we are differentiating with code).
In my lookup search it will show only 5 Accountants, I am not able to view the other 5 with different codes.
If I do the same in record level,then there is a search pop will appear which shows all lightning.

Whether we can show the same pop up search window in record edit form

<lightning:recordEditForm aura:id="recordViewForm" recordId="{!v.recordId}" objectApiName="SampleListing__c" >
        <lightning:messages />        
        <div class="slds-form_horizontal slds-form slds-grid slds-wrap">                
            <lightning:outputField aura:id="firstNameField" class="slds-size_6-of-8 left-align" fieldName = "Name" />
            <lightning:outputField aura:id="DField" class="slds-size_6-of-8 left-align"   fieldName="Dir__c"  />               
            <lightning:inputField aura:id="DSField" class="slds-size_6-of-8" fieldName="Section__c"  />
            <lightning:inputField aura:id="DHField" required="true" class="slds-size_6-of-8" fieldName="Heading__c" />                      
        <div class="slds-m-top_medium">
            <lightning:button class="slds-m-top_small" variant="brand" name="update" label="Execute" onclick="{!c.onSubmit}"/>

Best Answer

I have used this component and the search popup works for me.

enter image description here

Just click the search box and it will open.

enter image description here

This is the sample code I have used. Just Contact object fields which includes Account as lookup.

       <!--  the messages component is for error messages -->
        <lightning:messages />

        <lightning:inputField fieldName="LastName" aura:id="LastName"/>
        <lightning:inputField fieldName="AccountId" aura:id="AccountId"/>
        <lightning:inputField fieldName="Birthdate" aura:id="Birthdate"/>
        <lightning:inputField fieldName="AssistantPhone" aura:id="AssistantPhone"/>
        <lightning:inputField fieldName="Email" aura:id="Email"/>
        <lightning:inputField fieldName="LeadSource" aura:id="LeadSource"/>
        <lightning:inputField fieldName="Lead_Source_2__c" aura:id="Lead_Source"/>
        <div class="slds-m-top_medium">
            <lightning:button disabled="{!v.disabled}" variant="brand" type="submit" name="save" label="Save" />

You can find detail code here: https://newstechnologystuff.wordpress.com/2018/10/06/lightningrecordeditform-save-data-without-apex/