[SalesForce] Remove an option from a Visual force SelectList SelectOption

I have a VisualForce page where I am using SelectList and SelectOption.
For example if my SelectOption list contians
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3

I need to remove Option 2 on the page by its value not by index.
I can add validation in my controller, but I wanted to do it on the page since I plan on reusing the selectlist.

<apex:selectList id="recordTypeSelect" value="{!currentCaseObject.RecordTypeId}"  >
     <apex:selectOptions value="{!newVisaTypesList}" id="visaoptionid"/>                                                                                                                      

Best Answer

So I tried this in the page and it worked.

var x= document.getElementById("page:inputForm:recordTypeSelect");
for (var i=0; i<x.length; i++){
if(x.options[i].text == 'Value to be removed')