[SalesForce] Remove buttons or title bar from Visualforce page header in Salesforce1

I created a Visualforce page and put it into Salesforce1 using global action. The page automatically comes with a header bar with save/cancel button. How do I remove that? I tried showheader="false" in the VisualForce page, and the header still shows.

My Visualforce Page looks something like

<apex:page controller="MobileSearchParcel" showHeader="false">
    <h3 class="card-header"><span class="header-label">Parcel Search</span></h3>
    <apex:form > 
        // My form goes here

These are the button I want to get rid of on my Salesforce1,

enter image description here

Best Answer

In Summer '15 you'll be able to hide the header in Visualforce custom actions using the showQuickActionVfHeader attribute. As per the Summer '15 Release Notes:

To hide the header, add showQuickActionVfHeader=“false” to the <apex:page> tag of the custom action’s Visualforce page. When the Visualforce custom action renders in Salesforce1, the header and the Cancel and Save buttons are hidden. Using this attribute doesn’t affect how the action displays in the full Salesforce site.

If you don’t specify showQuickActionVfHeader, its value defaults to true.

The showQuickActionVfHeader attribute isn’t supported in communities.