[SalesForce] Render PDF Blob data in visualforce page

I have pdf blob data returning in my webservice.. I want to display this blob data as pdf in visualforce page. Is there any way to render the page as pdf with this blob data looking like pdf page. Currently, it is printing the base64 encoded string in the pdf page. But I want to convert pdf blob base64 encoded data as true pdf page

<apex:page renderAs="pdf">

Please correct me if I am wrong or suggest me a way to display this.

Best Answer

Visualforce does not emit binary data. As such, there is no direct way I'm aware of to render a PDF blob to the user using Visualforce.

The one semi-exception I know of is that you can cause a browser to render an image file (not PDF) using base 64 data URL's.

Your best bet is probably to save the PDF blob as an Attachment object, and then redirect the user to the "View Attachment" platform URL.