[SalesForce] renderAS = “advanced_pdf” with API Version 46.0 not rendering PDF with SDLS framework

Why is the renderAS = "advanced_pdf" not working ?
Trying to apply SDLS to existing classic visualforce page.
This page is renderedAs a 'PDF'. If I add renderAS = "advanced_pdf" the page
looks exactly like the old classic page, if i remove the renderAS tag, it displays with the lightning look.

<apex:page controller="ControllerNew" renderAs="advanced_pdf" language="{!language}" applyBodyTag="false" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardStylesheets="false">

    <div class="slds"> 



Best Answer

Advanced PDF is - as far as I'm aware - not yet GA and still in Pilot.

Source: https://releasenotes.docs.salesforce.com/en-us/summer17/release-notes/rn_vf_advanced_pdf.htm

There have been no official updates since then and it seems that this feature has been canceled altogether. In that case, we just have to wait until they come up with something better.

Source: Status of renderAs advanced_pdf

You can still try and ask Salesforce to enable that feature for you but I doubt they will or even can do it. But it may be worth a try.