[SalesForce] Rendering an image from Amazon S3 on VF page

Iam using Amazon toolkit to integrate SF with Amazon S3.

I want to render the content(image) of files in a bucket when bucket is selected from a selectlist.
Like ListBucket, I am calling a method getObject'which in turn calls the webservice operation GetObject
from the S3 class.
I can see the request and response(200) in my developer console but there is an exception:

ERROR: Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response. Apex type not found for element Status.enter image description here

Can someone help me to resolve this please.?


This is The method which is in controller which further makes a call to a method of S3 class which performs a web service callout.

public PageReference GetObject()
try{ Datetime now = Datetime.now();
String Delimiter = null;
Boolean GetMetadata =true;
Boolean GetData=true;
Boolean InlineData=true;
System.debug('GetObject for bucket: ' + bucketToList);

//This performs the Web Service call to Amazon S3 and retrieves all the objects in the specified bucket

        S3.GetObjectResult response = as3.GetObject(bucketToList,'demo4'   ,GetMetadata,GetData,InlineData,as3.key,now,as3.signature('GetObject',now),as3.secret);

        return null;
        catch(Exception ex){
        System.debug('EXCEPTION: ' + ex);
        getobjectErrorMsg =    ex.getMessage();
        return null; 


Best Answer

Ok , so I have resolved the error above after following the link: https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/ForumsMain?id=906F00000008xNYIAY

where I needed to Change GetObjectResult orginal code to also get 'status' and 'field_order'.

Now I have the issue of rendering the image content on page . I have the response string(image content) .

<apex:image value="data:image;base64,{!imagecontent}" />

The cntroller has getObject() with following code snippet

   S3.GetObjectResult response = as3.GetObject(bucketToList,'demo41' ,GetMetadata,GetData,InlineData,as3.key,now,as3.signature('GetObject',now),as3.secret);
  String imagecontent = response.data;

Is it the right way to go?

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