[SalesForce] Report to show Converted Leads sales – from opptys NOT created on the convert event

I discovered a bug/flow

When my users convert leads, they do not always create an oppty, nor do they want to.

It so happens, that once this oppty is created, if it wasn't created during the conversion, it will NOT relate to the lead-converted report – and will not reflect marketing efforts for leads in income.

What report (or action) can I take to take these scenarios in the reports?

Best Answer

As you've observed, these records won't be attached to leads. A safer bet would be to use Campaigns, which are designed to track ROI on marketing investments. Using the Primary Campaign field on opportunity, the users can choose which marketing effort the opportunity arose from. The only problem now is getting them to change their process. The only change you need to make to leads is to have the users select a campaign when creating the lead (or before conversion, at least). Opportunities not from leads will need to have their campaign manually selected.

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