[SalesForce] Retrieving Local Translations from Metadata API call

I can successfully retrieve custom labels from my SOAP call to Salesforce Metadata API.
But what I need is the local translations which overrides my labels.

  1. Are these translations are packaged or unpackaged (do i have to search them in my Managed package)
  2. Which metadata type should i retrieve ?

    • Translations?
    • CustomLabelTranslation?
    • CustomObjectTranslation?

Here is a picture of my goal:

What i'm trying to retrieve


I'm writing Native iOS app which is using Salesforce SDK in it. I can successfully talk with Salesforce Metadata API. I just dont know which metadata object should retrieve in my RetrieveRequest,

Best Answer

I believe it's under the folders objectTranslations and translations and using the following types:

http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api_meta/Content/meta_translations.htm http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api_meta/Content/meta_customobjecttranslation.htm

If you include the following in your package.xml file used in the retrieve call you should fetch them:

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