[SalesForce] Retrieving more than 2500 Records using ExactTarget Java Fuel SDK

We've got the the following code that is supposed to retrieve ALL unsubscribed entries from a list. With our data, this is hitting the 2500 limit.

I had a look at the ruby sdk, where they have a "continue" method if there are more results. I couldn't find the equivalent in the Java sdk though…

Can anybody point me in the right direction on how to do this?

ETListSubscriberService listSubscriberService = new ETListSubscriberServiceImpl();

... //create filter with list id and unsubscribed status

ETResponse<ETListSubscriber> response = listSubscriberService.get(client, filterByListIdAndUnsubscribedStatus);

response.getResults(); //does not return more than the 2500 limit


   //what to do from here???


Thanks for any pointers.

Best Answer

if you receive status='OK' it means less than 2500 records, you don't need to send more API calls.

If you receive status='MoreDataAvailable', it means there are more records, you need to get the requestID value returned, then make another API call with RetrieveRequest.ContinueRequest with that requestID value.Put it into a while loop, until you see status='OK' then exit the loop

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