[SalesForce] Salesforce Apex Data Loader GUI vs. Command Line login

(Crossposted from SO – https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21255608/salesforce-apex-data-loader-gui-vs-command-line-login)

I'm trying to wrap up some Upsert functionality into a simple application which will execute the Apex Data Loader to push that data to Salesforce.

I can get this working through the GUI version of the Data Loader as that just requires me to enter my username & human-readable-password.

However when I move to the commandline version, it requires an API token which most end users won't easily know/have access to.

Is there a way to generate this token automatically, based on their Human Readable password. If not, why is there this discrepency between the login mechanism from the GUI tool vs. the commandline tool.

Best Answer

Have you seen Data Loader Guide? http://na1.salesforce.com/help/pdfs/en/salesforce_data_loader.pdf

There's whole chapter around running from command line. Actually chapter and a half as encryption stuff is also mentioned in the previous chapter (batch mode).

Generally you'll have to play with the encrypt.bat script file

(I know it's a bit rude to provide link-only answer but I think the examples are very clear and it's not like the documentation will disappear ;))

P.S. Welcome on SF StackExchange!

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