[SalesForce] Salesforce certification expiration

I have completed my Platform developer 1 exams (Last year)and now I need to complete my maintenance exam by paying 100$ and my question is

what If I take Platform developer 2 exams do I still need to pay 100$ for PD1 maintenance exam or will it be Free

what If I didn't take PD1 maintenance will my PD2 certification also expires or PD1 alone?

what Will happen?

Best Answer

1.You don't have to pay anything for maintenance of certification(unless it is expired).

2.You can take Platform Developer II exam if your Platform Developer I certification is not expired and you have completed all the prerequisites.

3.If your Platform Developer I certification expires and you also hold the Platform Developer II certification, the Platform Developer II certification will be placed in a suspended state. You will then have one release cycle from the expiration date to re-certify as a Platform Developer I, at which point the suspended Platform Developer II certification will be reinstated.

For more information about certification expiration read this: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/help?article=Information-about-Certification-Expiration