[SalesForce] Salesforce Certified Platform Developer 1 : Lightning Component Framework

For the Salesforce Certified Platform Developer 1 exam, these two points are mentioned as part of the study guide but I am not sure at what level of technical understanding you need on these two topics specifically for the intent of passing this exam.

  • Describe the benefits of the Lightning Component framework

  • Describe the resources that can be contained in a Lightning

Do you need to be very thorough with aura framework like how one should be with VF framework or the questions test only your basic understanding of this lightning comp framework ?

Has anyone who has completed/attended this exam in the recent times, throw some light on this ?

Best Answer

I followed the transition track from advanced developer to the platform developer II exam. So I did not take the platform developer 1 exam, but got the certification all the same.

Take into consideration that these exams are reviewed and extended every release and it is thus likely that the questions on developing lightning will increase and so will their detail or complexity from what it may be now.

Having done nearly all other certifications I would interpret it like this:

  • Know how to compare Lightning to Visualforce
  • Know where you can use Lightning components and applications
  • Read the high level help/documentation introduction to see what benefits are mentioned to both end users and developers.
  • Understand how you develop (and deploy?) a lightning component
  • Developer a hello-world component and try to get some data from a controller
  • Do any trailhead modules on lightning components (may include the point above)